turn off the tv
due to work deadlines, ive had virtually no time to work on my own creations. so im digging into my archives to locate what i consider to be my first piece of digital artwork…
dont let me mislead, i had worked with PS and wacom before, but this is the first idea concepted and worked through to a stage where i was happy to call it finished. must have took me a good 40-60 hours [possibly more], and it taught me an incredible amount about constructing an image digitally.
“macabre visions” [photoshop7, wacom graphire. june 2007]
when getting into digital art, i spent a lot of time on the imagineFX forums [and would certainly recommend the magazine and community to anyone developing their skills]. as a result, the character of the above piece – tellyhead – evolved beyond this single image.
long story short: i helped start a digital fightclub! basically, participating artists would have their own character and have a ‘draw-off’ against other participants in the fightclub. tellyhead was my character that i used to fight with.. so now i have all manner of images, comic strips and the odd animation featuring him in conflict with some of the most random characters! incredible fun and a massive learning experience.
the next image ‘orkslayer’, was my first real attempt to understand focal points – when you need to add detail and when you dont. it was also completed in around 6hours, which is somewhat faster than when i began painting!
“orkslayer” [photoshop7, wacom graphire. may 2008]
and probably my favouritetellyhead image is this one, which was the final piece in an epic battle against GixGidea‘s character snotbucket! this fight had 3d animations, a massively funny back-and-forth comic strip, and i even made a little flash game. my final image showed narrative elements of the battle, and was also my first attempt at a movie-styled poster.
“tellyhead vs. snotbucket” [photoshopCS2, wacom graphire. july 2009]
there actually quite a few more pics over on my old portfolio website. however it was on a free host which seems to have been down quite a bit lately… irrespective, find it here
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