the girl between the walls

my last post referred to a story i wrote some years ago. well, i rooted through my sketchbook boxes and found a version of the story i’d printed out – it was dated ‘may 2005′.  i sat down and read the entire thing afresh. to my surprise, i really enjoyed it .

the tale is told in a rhyming panameter [is that even the right term?], and i felt some parts were too forced and i’d sacrificed storyline to make the words flow. so i’ve rewritten a few verses, and now hope it stands up a little better.  but i guess you can decide for yourself as ive posted the first chapters.

“brick girl” [pencil sketch. 2004] 

ive added page links on the side navigation bar, but please read the introduction first – as im not convinced this will be to everyone’s taste.  and please let me know what you think too – feedback is always welcome, good or bad! 

incidentally, this entire story was sparked from a single line in another story i wrote.  it was about a nightmarish nursery. where sometimes, at night, if you listened really carefully …you could hear singing! these sounds were made by the girl who was bricked up between the walls. this is her tale…  

this is the story of brick girl 
