on the buses
i wrote a while ago about the drawings i do whilst stuck on a coach for hours[here]. i was reminded about one of these a few days ago, so thought i’d post up my favourites..
first up is a drawing i did for a fellow wordpresser amy. she requested i draw her a zombie hippy. although the sketch caption is a gag, im sad to say that the joke is not my own, i stole it from an image i saw on the interweb some time ago
“zombie hippy” [markers on paper. 28 dec 2010]
this next one was for triff [who has been involved in some rather interesting digital projects, and is a pretty fab photographer too - so have a look at his site if you have time!] his sketch request was nothing if not bizarre.. read the title and contemplate the situation [and yes, i am aware of the spelling mistake in the drawing].
“an inside out cow giving birth” [markers on paper. 28 dec 2010]
last up is a sketch that my memory tells me was requested by my mate, micah. but it seems utterly improbable that i could have drawn a penguin without some influence from my good friend india…
“robot penguin” [bic biro & marker on paper. 24 oct 2010]
im particuarly fond of this last sketch – not just for the reason that penguins are übercool, but because it has a extra layer of narrative to it. look again…
ceci n’est pas une robot penguin. indeed, it is not a robot penguin… it is a penguin pretending to be a robot!
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