drawing from life

i really miss life-drawing…

[charcoal on paper. 20 min sketch]

i think the last time i attended any life-drawing sessions was in december 2007, when i still lived in belfast. these are a few of my favourite pieces from those classes.

[pencil on paper. 5 min sketch]

i believe the model’s name was sarah. and unlike some models, she was an absolute pleasure to draw.

[acrylic on A3 canvas. 4 hours. circa dec 2007]

the above  painting was completed across 2x 2-hour sessions, and was only the third time i’d tried painting on canvas. i always loved this painting, and to-date it is still probably my favourite painting that i have ever done.


y’know, looking through some of my work from these sessions has made me realise just how rusty my drawing skills are. i have to rectify this issue.

i must draw more often.

i need to draw ‘real people’ more often too, preferably naked!  volunteers welcome ;)
