zombie penguin
this is the second painting in a series of four that i created for some of my friends.
the new owner is a fabulous artist i am fortunate enough to know called india rex. yes, that is her really real name! she can be sometimes be found on the interweb under the guise of indisaurus rex. we have plans to do some creative stuff together in the coming months [which i am incredibly excited about!]
actually, we have already done 1 painting together many moons ago – which i shall endeavour to locate a photo of, and upload. but for now enjoy this lil’ baby…
“zombie penguin” [acrylic on 20x40cm canvas]
the significance of the painting…? well, im a zombie and she’s a penguin. obviously. although, it’s not quite that simple. there are human suits, and unicorns involved too. but let’s not get into all that right now, k.
but, if at any time you happen to spot a penguin within my paintings, this is a direct reference to indi!
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