“We have to see, we have to know…”
sometime i carry around ideas in you head for years before i have a chance (or the inclination) to put pen to paper and turn it into something more substantial. this was one such project..
i’ve always love the look of dr.channard after he is turned into a cenobite.. there’s something wonderful in the aesthetic of his immense vertical height – the appendage attached to his head is easily the length of his body, by which he is held aloft from the ground like a puppet.
so my plan was to use a long canvas and to portray his appearance at the end of the film, as this would allow for a cavernous space beneath the remnants of his head. i’m not sure i’ve managed to articulate that very well – but hopefully it makes more sense when you see the painting!
and a close up..
i made a thumbnail sketch before at the start of this project, to try and understand the composition i was trying to make work. here it is alongside the finished pice.
nailed it!
progress shots, and more hellraiser stuff on my facebook [link]
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