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i’ve been reflecting on how quickly things have been coming together recently… on the 11th August, i wrote a blog post [link] saying that i was getting back into the studio to do some drawing. specifically, i was busy revamping a very old sketch – this one infact: the sketch was refined, the idea adjusted, [...]

prepare to launch…

it’s exciting times over at Zombieking HQ - i’ve taken delivery of my first batch of t-shirts, and they look absolutely amazing! they’re going to be stocked at The Tattoo Boutique (Liverpool, UK) and The Trading Post (Newcastle, UK). i’m also going to be selling them online when my website is up and running soon! tomorrow i [...]

sophie lancaster

today is the 5th anniversary of sophie lancaster’s death - she was a young girl who was killed for looking  different. rest in peace sophie, and much love and respect to all those involved with The Sophie Lancaster Foundation ♥ the sophie lancaster foundation [link]

setting up business…

for those that don’t know me personally, i’m currently in the throes of setting up business… my current plan is to create a range of horror-themed designs, which i will personally screen print onto t-shirts, hoodies, and other garments (and possibly undergarments!). i’ll also make some of my designs available as posters and on home furnishings [...]

oh, the places you’ll go

mostly i’ve managed to keep this blog for my sketches and artystuffs. but recently i haven’t managed to be very creative.. i’ve been incredibly busy, what with finishing projects, starting new ventures, and making connections that will be amazing for the future. but without the creative output that i can show and share, i feel terribly [...]

king of the zombies

i was watching shaun of the dead a few nights ago, and one line in particular made me laugh.. couldn’t help but make it into a banner for my facebook!  :) favourite quotes from zombie films anyone…?  

a blank canvas

ever since i became aware of jason freeny i’ve been wanting to get my hands on some toys and do some customising. well, today i managed to pick up one of these bad boys… i have way too many ideas on how to custom this, right from ultra simple paint jobs – to – mega [...]


i have mentioned that this blog is so quiet because i have been concentrating on my university work. i will certainly post about the project here when it is more complete, but this phonepic of my desktop should give you a flavour of some of the stuff i’ve been doing! for anyone interested in seeing [...]

tenmen versus the zombie

this blog has been relatively dormant this month, this is due to the fact that my time has been completely devoted to my uni work. i am in the final few weeks of my BIG 3rd year project, so please bear with me. i shall link up some of the more interesting things over the [...]


zombie finger leg

and so the saga of the zombie finger tattoo continues… i love that little design so much, and was gutted that it didn’t last. and it had so much attention online, that when i meet new people [many of which don't believe it was a real tattoo] it’s slightly upsetting when i can’t even show them [...]