last year i told you about IFX fightclub …but don’t tell anyone i told you!
it was essentially a ‘draw off’, wherein artists put forward characters, and they then draw them having a bit of a scrap. the audience who were following the fight then voted for a winner. the beauty of this system meant that it wasn’t always the better artist who won – entertaining the crowd counted for a lot!
my character was tellyhead..
here’s another couple of old pics from the fightclub days.
this first one was the result of quite an epic battle with a character known as electrobob by an artist called evil robot. you can see the whole fight as it unfolded over in this thread here, and does demonstrate the unscripted flow of the fight as each artist tried to maim the other’s character and put on a good show for the bloodthirsty audience!
“tellyhead vs. electrobob” [p/shop, wacom. july 2009]
this next one was a challenge set as homework for all fightclub members. “pick a fight, and lose!”
rather than fighting against another real artist, we could pick any character from fiction and lose a fight to them. i decided to use the rather fab calvin & hobbes by bill watterson. i adore these characters, so wanted to use watterson’s style and calvin’s perspective on the world as the backdrop for my fight.
ideally, you should click the image to see it full size, and read it panel-by-panel…
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