no homers club
NHC’s halloween special: TREEHOUSE OF HORROR!!
so this is happening on the 4th november 2016 @constellations, liverpool, UK [link].
go checkout the facebook event info [here] and you can grab tickets [here].
the event is being hosted by NHC. [interweb at these places: fbk / insta / twitr].
if you’re local, please make sure you come along, cos it’s gonna be fucking brilliant!
you guys know of my love for absurd foetal specimans, and i’ve managed to get my hands on some very special new embryonic samples especially for this event!!
they were sourced from a stereotypical nuclear family in Springfield, USA. i’ll be nurturing these beautiful oddities over the coming weeks and will be bringing them along for attendees to checkout and maybe even take home – for a small fee, of course! (after all, plagerised DNA dont come cheap!)
see y’all there! x
chris z
the event was ace!
i got to meet many brilliant people including one boss artist, called lady saliva, who’d traveled many miles especially for the event. you can check out her instagram here [link]
local website get into this were in attendance, and posted a review of the night [here]. and look at this beautifloo photo they took of my testtubes Simpsons!
[photo credit: Chris Flack]
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