zombie finger virus goes viral
it seems one or two people quite liked my tattoo!
i got a few hits following my last post, but it was this gif put together by al locke [thanks al] that really got the attention. i sent the gif to my blue-haired friend, kitty, to see if she wanted to put it on her tumblr? she did…
4 hours later, the post had 14,500 notes [likes and reblogs, not just views]. after 24hours it had over 28k notes. and as i type this, it sits at 50,467 notes. wow! [here is the original post with the current note count]
however, there is one problem with finger tattoos…
they dont last.
i was advised this was the case before i had mine done, but i wanted it regardless. i took a photo everyday for the first few days to record how it would fare….
as you can see, after only 4 days the colouring had started to grow out and disperse. by the 9th day the outlines are heavily faded and the colouring has all but gone from my fingertips. this fading had nothing to do with poor aftercare or any fault of the tattoo process either – adam [of 13ink tattoo] told me during my consultation that ‘finger tattoos are painful and they don’t last‘. it’s also possible that i will be left with remnants of ink which do not grow out/disperse.
and this is a shot of my digits as they stand just now – 17 days later…
13ink tattoo are one of the best studios in liverpool and i will definitely be going to see adam there for my next tattoo.
[+ADDED 27 april 2012]
since doing my fingers, adam G has moved studios. he is now based at the tattoo boutique [liverpool, uk]. it is a new studio but it houses some fantastic talent. track them down on facebook [link]
please checkout adam’s new facebook page too [link]
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