this is a sketch of a childhood hero [villain to most]. his original name was keldor, but he changed it after losing his face to acid. poor fella..
[cs5 +bamboo. 1 hour. 25 nov 2011]
sadly when i cropped it, i’ve lost all the trappings which make him recognisable as the character that he is. though that’s a secondary quibble next to the fact that i’m not that happy with how it’s turned out anyway. the lighting, bone structure and cloth are all wrong. i really have to get into the habit of using reference material.
but i’m trying to do a sketch everyday. so i will still post ones that are below par, as i usually learn from my mistakes [artistically speaking of course - in life i am doomed to repeat the same stupid mistakes for all eternity]. indeed, a sketch-a-day challenge, is all about the journey. that motivated work ethic undoubtedly improves one’s skills, and it is a great way to build a body of work quickly.
my current timeline:
day 1 was that girl’s face two posts below this one.
day2, i did a couple of roughs for a future project [which are staying under wraps for now].
…and this is currently day 3.
the longest i have ever lasted is 23 days!
wish me luck, and suggest some topics for future drawing please!
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