the godfather

i’ve made zero posts to this blog for a fortnight. but what with christmas, writing essays, uni coursework and the daily grind,  i have still been quite a busy little [zom]bee.  i have also just finished a series of 4 paintings.

go team zombieking!

these paintings were made for my closest friends here in liverpool, and each one is very specific to the person it was created for.  i had considered giving them as christmas gifts, but i felt that would have been just a little too narcissistic on my part.

the first painting i will show you, is for a musician friend of mine called rhamy. he’s already been mentioned on my blog once before when we did a painting together. [link]

a drink you can’t refuse” [acrylic on 20x40cm canvas]

you may be able to tell, i have a movies/alcohol/zombies-type connection with him!
