back in the studio
oh dear, it’s been 3 months since i posted any drawings on here!
i’ve been seriously busy finishing my degree, then moving house – but importantly i have now set myself up in business as a freelance artist! so i’ve been in the studio all week drawing, except for one day where i met a lady who wants me to supply her with dead bodies!
anyways. the drawings…
^this is a drawing i did a few years ago, just after reading singularity seven. this was my first introduction to ben templesmith and i was pretty amazed by his work. with my sketch, i was trying to do an ’embodiment-of-war’ type character, but the similarity to ‘the singularity’ from templesmith’s story is undeniable! anyway, i’ve always liked the drawing but never felt able to complete it, so i thought i’d re-work it from scratch.
these are the progress sketches, using pre-photoshop old fashioned skills of cut-and-paste – utilising photocopying, pritt stick, and tippex!
i started off with skulls, bones and tentacles, which had a real nautical flavour, so i added a ship’s wheel to the composition. the wip sketches speak for themselves, but i eventually dropped the wheel, as i just couldn’t get it to work because the silhouette was just way too busy for my taste.
and this is how the sketch currently looks..
the intention was always to create: what appears to be a satanic looking re-animated pirate-skeleton, who was brandishing the tools of his trade.
but if you look properly, there is nothing supernatural about that skeleton at all…
wordpress has just informed me that this was my 100th post! it pleases me greatly that the subject matter is all about me getting back into my art. :)
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