severed heads!
Q. what’s cuter than a teeny tiny unicorn foetus??
A. a teeny tiny unicorn foetus’ severed head!
^^that’s wasn’t a joke, just a bit of factual information for you. well, i say ‘factual’ but infact it is quite subjective.. apparently no everyone thinks dismember unborn children are quite as adorable as i do. weird, huh?
anyways, the severed head of a foetal unicorn… [link]
sometimes that specimens i get into stock are just not a high enough quality to sell on the site, so i still endeavour to use the remains however i can. and while most of the tiny bodyparts make delicious crunchy snack – i do find skulls to be a little too hard to eat. so i snip the heads off the little blighters and put them in testtubes.
here are the craniums of some human and mermaid foetus specimens that i decapitated earlier.. [link]
as you can see, these specimens can be used purely for display, or they can be threaded onto chains to make delightful jewellery!
and so lastly, here is the ol’ king of the testtubes himself. the headless tyrant king! [link]
check them out and more complete specimens over at the webshop [here!]
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