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¡hola comrades!

the shop has (eventually) been updated! there’s now a whole bunch of stuff available to grab in the ol’ webshop. there’s a good selection of testtube babies, severed heads, and also the testtube display racks crafted by my own grarled hands. granted, there is nothing new here that veterans of the site havent seen before … continue

severed heads!

Q. what’s cuter than a teeny tiny unicorn foetus?? A. a teeny tiny unicorn foetus’ severed head! ^^that’s wasn’t a joke, just a bit of factual information for you. well, i say ‘factual’ but infact it is quite subjective.. apparently no everyone thinks dismember unborn children are quite as adorable as i do. weird, huh? … continue

test-tube babies

test-tube babies are now available!! they’re not the kind of babies that’ve been created in a test-tube..  nope, these are little foetus specimens that have been put into test-tubes so they can be displayed as the fabulous and cute curiosities that they are. brilliant! currently, i have 4 types of specimen available: unicorn, t-rex, mermaid, and … continue

the siren

hello sailor! the siren : described as a sea-nymph who would lure mariners to their destruction on dangerous rocks. however, this is not a siren. nor is it a zombie mermaid. it is something much more devious… if you’re interest in owning this painting then check out this link [hello!]. i’ll also be making prints … continue