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new print available. hurrah! this is a painting i’ve posted and discussed before [link]. however, i’ve decided that it most definitely should be view this way up↑ anyways. you can grab it over on Society6 [link], and as always please come say “hello” over at my facebook page [link]    

the evil dead

now available on Society6. yay! “Soon all of you will be like me…  and then who will lock you up in a cellar?” you can order a print, canvas, a laptop skin, or even a throw cushion if that’s the kind of thing that tickles your fancy?!   [LINK] however the zoom facility on their site … continue

join us…

this print coming soon! “Soon all of you will be like me…  and then who will lock you up in a cellar?” progress photos of the original painting on my facebook [link] **UPDATE** print now available on my Society6 page [link]